Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Instant how to get lots of backlinks to your blog

Instant how to get lots of backlinks to your blog

1. hxxp :/ / www.sitevaluestats.com/
Visit the site, submit to there. process about 20-30 minutes, leave the web page open while waiting for the process is complete

2. hxxp :/ / freebacklinktool.com /
Register on the site, your account activation, activation Myspace and login to your account. setlah login, click crete backlink pages. later will see 2 columns to be filled in your domain name and keywordmu, also ping check. Process about 20-30 minutes. leave the page open until the selesain

3. hxxp :/ / www.socialmonkee.com/
well, if that's possible bnyak are already wearing. Create an account wrote in situ. select the free. follow all instructions to complete. Explain that the process is very long. ane sure temen2 here already on pinter2 all

4. hxxp :/ / www.backlinkspider.com
Register and make an account there. setlah activation, login to your account. select add sites. add your site there. select the appropriate kategory ma ye site. then push the update button then you will arrive at a page that is no button (edit, link page, the edit link partner, who is linking to me?) nah push the link page. Here his daughter's. after that you will see a page that contains two option boxes. select the second box containing the code. copy the code. and paste in notepad, save the file name link.php. be sure to change the file extension notepad dengan.php do. txt. then upload the file to the root directory of your web. after the process is complete. go to your WP dashboard. select text and copy and paste this code widget
<p> <a href="link.php"> Our Friends </ a> </ p>
for the non wordpress, index.html or index.php open, copy and paste the code in the index.php file, taru at the bottom of the alone. after all the process is completed. log in to your account on the backlink spider. push it that validate validate site.setelah Website. done.

5. onlywire.com & onlywire plugin
make an account there. aja follow the process. Explain that are too long and once again children adsense-id already pintar2 and mingkin bnyak already knows. after completion. Download onlywire wordpress plugin. activate the plugin just as usual.
then log back into onlywire.com go to the dashboard and into services. there exist around 42 services, make all accounts gan. to 42 social sites such bookmar. This may be an exhausting process but you only have to make once wrote. and that will surely datangin traffic and targeted visitors you want. setalh finished setting and make 42 accounts and setting disocial bookmarking services in onlywire.com
login to your wp dashboard. go to option onlywire plugin. and input your onlywire account there. done.

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